Madonna onstage in NYC's Madison Square Garden, Summer 2001.
You can love her, you can leave her, but she’s never gonna stop! That would be Madonna, of course. And while this summer finds Queen Esther traveling around the country, toting her cross, riding gear and studly back-up dancers from city to city “Confessing,” the folks at Logo are getting way into the groove of all things Madge as well.
Officially starting tomorrow, Logo is going to be airing 30 of Madonna’s best and most bodacious videos (from “Burning Up” to “Hung Up” and then some…) for the next few weeks all during their regular programming, which will all culminate on-air on Saturday, June 24th when Logo goes crazy with a showcase of Madonna-related fare, which will feature Mrs. Ritchie’s videos, movies (Truth or Dare, and—yes!—Swept Away) and then, at 8pm you can watchThe Click List: Ultimate Madonna which will air your picks for Madonna’s top ten videos ever!!!
Yes. That's right. Logo wants to find out what's your pick for the #1 Madonna video--EVER!!! Starting now, you can head to LogoOnline and watch Her Madgesty’s classic clips (and the newer ones, too) and pick your favorites!
As for my favorites… I’m totally gonna be lobbying for “Ray of Light,” “Like a Virgin,” “Papa Don’t Preach” (with hottie mechanic Alex McCarthy!), “Lucky Star,” “Express Yourself” and “Deeper and Deeper” (Hello!!?? Sofia Coppola! Udo Kier! Debi Mazar! Holly Woodlawn! And that freaky blonde ’fro wig!!!) And I’m not voting for “This Used to Be My Playground.” Gack! Or “La Isla Bonita”??? I don’t think so.
And you know when the results finally get aired (again, on June 24th) the queens are gonna be livid when their favorite doesn’t top the chart. Meow!
But vote! Watch the clips. Weigh in!
Appreciate her!!!
To get you primed, here's a little trip down memory lane, Ciccone-style...
Backstage in a NYC club with Marilyn, circa 1983.
Onstage during "The Virgin Tour" in 1985.
Onstage in London, circa 1987, on the "Who's That Girl" tour.
Classic cone-bra realness. Thanks, Gaultier!!!
At the premiere of "Truth or Dare" (then called, "In Bed with Madonna") in Cannes in 1991.
A studio shot promoting the release of "Ray of Light."
On her Re-Invention Tour. "American Life" anyone?
Groovin' with Missy for Gap.
Remember this?
Reading is fundamental. Madge as authoress.
Mr. & Mrs. Ritchie
At the movies, catching Harry Potter, with Lo-Lo.
Squatting for the kids at G.A.Y. in London last fall, launching "Confessions."
And geared up to ride on the "Confessions" tour. Thanks, Maddie!
I've been here through all of her transformations. No one does it like Madonna. Today's pop began with the best, and she's still going strong. Long live Royal Madge!
Posted by: Wally | June 05, 2006 at 10:07 PM
I want my "Like a Prayer"!!!
Posted by: James | June 06, 2006 at 01:59 PM
I Saw Re-Invnetion all 3 nights in Toronto and had a blast! Go Madonna!
Posted by: Trixie | June 06, 2006 at 03:32 PM
Posted by: Kate | June 06, 2006 at 07:44 PM
The Queen of Pop is gonna reign forever. Have you heard that she's really as in the "real" gretaest female recording artist of all time. She has sold a whopping 300 million records worldwide! You go girl! I can't wait for her at the Grammy's next year. As for her videos, they're mostly avant garde and the worst Madonna video is like Janet or Mariah's best. My choice is "Frozen." She can be glammed up, hostile or comic in her vis but in Frozen, she's gone Gothic, a totally different Madonna.
Posted by: Ronald | June 06, 2006 at 09:39 PM
That first pic is from 1987, Whos That Girl Tour. correctify it!
Posted by: DUH | June 06, 2006 at 11:43 PM
the second picture of Madonna (with hat )on this page is from Madonna's "Who's that girl world tour" in 1987!
the fourth picture of Madonna on this page is from Madonna's "Virgin tour" in 1985!
please correct these
Posted by: enrico mehmet gülle | June 07, 2006 at 03:11 AM
Madonna just finished another tour and broke another record. She is the highest grossing female touring act of all time. It's no surprise that people paid up to 400 per ticket to see her. I'm a little curious as to how NBC is going to handle the cross scene when they go to air her concert in November. They will ask that she change the show, she will refuse of course, and the show will never see prime time network television. Shame, it would be a great outlet for her to show off her music in art, since US radio hasn't done it's part to help her. Funny, they tried to say that Madonna was no longer relevant. She responded by creating her best tour to date and turning it into a "Cash Cow" and raking in close to 200 mill. She gets a decent percentage of that and is laughing her way again to the bank. I love her and her sass. I would love her to stay around for another 20 years. Pop music won't be the same without her!!
Posted by: Wally | September 22, 2006 at 02:30 AM
Why X dosent' work?
Posted by: Online Pharmacy | April 05, 2008 at 05:23 PM